Pepper Jelly B.A.L.T (Bacon Avocado Lettuce Tomato)

Hanley's Pepper Jelly BALT sandwich

BALT it up. This sandwich hits all the taste buds: salty, savory, spicy, and sweet. 


  • 2 slices wheat bread, buttered & toasted
  • 2-3 bacon strips, cooked (oven works best when cooking for 4)
  • 1/2 avocado, sliced
  • Romaine lettuce, ripped into large pieces
  • 2 tomatoes, sliced
  • Hanley's Pepper Jelly vinaigrette


  1. Butter and pan-toast each slide of bread
  2. Drizzle Pepper Jelly vinaigrette over bottom slice
  3. Layer bacon, lettuce, avocados, tomatoes
  4. Add another thin coat of Pepper Jelly vinaigrette and top with other slice of bread.
  5. Could also be used as a wrap.
  6. Tadda! BALT Up!

 Hanley's Pepper Jelly BALT sandwich

Prep Time: 10 mins. 
Serves: 1 person
Pro Tip: Stack toppings in this order, the sauce over the tomatoes & avocados make it superb.


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